Monday, 4 July 2016


Heard a great story, i just had to share.
Once upon a time, there lived a young man who was taking a smoke break
with his non-smoking colleague.
"i have a question to ask, says the colleague. "How long have you been
smoking?" .
"Thirty years," says the smoker.
"Thirty years!" marvels the co-worker. "That costs so much money. At a pack
a day, you are spending $1,900 a year. Had you instead invested that money
at an 8% return for the last 30 years, you would have $250,000 in the bank
today. That's enough to buy a Ferrari."
The smoker smiles and asks his colleague, "Do you smoke?"
"No!!!" he replied
"So where is your Ferrari?"
Thinking about this for a moment, the question that comes to mind is
"Where are all the Ferraris?"
The sad truth is, the financial position of many is very far from a
A lot of people have been eating their Ferraris, rather than investing in
It's high time we look inwards and do some evaluation. A lot of people
aren't smoking, but they still don't have their Ferrari.
Ferraris can be a lot of things. It could be tangible investments like real
estate, your talent and skills, your health, your time or whatever it is
you have that you've allowed to grow.
Anything that grows has a future, anything that doesn't grow is diseased,
dying or dead
A while ago i began to invest in my Ferrari. I bought a piece of Land and
it's growing. Then i bought another and i keep buying.
Maybe its high time you also got yourself a nice piece of mother earth.
After all real estate is one of the Ferraris you must have if you want to
be wealthy. Ask the already wealthy people.

- Be Inspired.

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