Thursday, 4 August 2016

An old farmer and his jailed son

“Our Parents are just like the eraser, and we are the pencil. They’re always there for their children, cleaning up their mistakes. Sometimes along the way they get hurt and become smaller (older and eventually pass on).

Take care of your Parents, treat them with kindness and most importantly love them.”

So, here is yet another inspiring short story in our collection of wonderful famous short stories.
Where there’s a will there’s a way story!
An old farmer wrote a letter 2 his innocent son in prison “This year I’m unable 2 plant potatoes because I can’t dig the ground. I know if you were here you would’ve helped me.”

Son Replied: “You idiot dad, don’t dig the ground, I have hidden the guns there.” The Police read the letter, next day the ground was dug by the police, searched for guns but nothing was found.

Son wrote again: Dad, the ground is now been dig up, you can now plant your potatoes, its the best I could do from here. Love you

- Be Inspired.

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