Wednesday, 3 August 2016


Mariah Carey:

Mariah Carey grew up in the poorest locality in Long Island. Not knowing of the normal childhood treats like toys and games, she found amusement in setting her parent’s car on fire or killing her dog by poisoning. Lessons learnt in living a childhood in poverty is what turned Carey into the person she is today. Undoubtedly she is one of those many rich people from the entertainment circuit who grew-up in poorer circumstances.

Leonardo DiCaprio:

The eye-candy and Hollywood heart-throb DiCaprio also makes it to the list of rich people who overcame severe adversity to come out winners. He grew up from a neighborhood of prostitutes and drug dealers to become an ace actor. Surely going by his screen image, one would not know of the past that made the man.

Suze Orman:

The popular face of CNBC, Suze Orman, deserves a place in this list. Her poignant story is no less inspiring. She had to spend months living out of her van in the 70s because of dreadful financial conditions. She took it as a great lesson of life growing up to becoming a renowned personal finance guru. Today, Orman is one of the rich people who rose from not-so-favorable circumstances and whose worth now stands at $25 million.


Frank O’Dea:
The ‘Coffee King’, Frank O’Dea is well known as the co-founder of Canada’s largest coffee shop chain. You would be surprised to know that he spent his 20s living on the streets, where he could barely earn to afford a cup of coffee. Who could foretell that one day the same Frank O’Dea would be running the most popular coffee shops across 360 locations in Canada? Of course, he had to figure in this list of rich people who were once poor.

8. Michael Jordan
As a kid, Jordan loved basketball and knew he wanted to make a career out of it, though no coach would give him a chance because he was short. After using an inside connection to get into a basketball camp from which players for college teams were chosen, Jordan got noticed by a coach -- who still chose not to invite him to the team.

Jordan returned home discouraged, but decided to prove the coach wrong. Now a member of the NBA Hall of Fame, just about everyone would agree he succeeded.

- Be Inspired.

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