Tuesday, 9 August 2016


Accept help. 
The world preaches a self-sufficient message, but Jesus is returning for a body of believers interdependent on one another. "You've got to develop a network of [people who] are rooting for your success, not your failure," says Kirbyjon Caldwell

Bless others. 
"The word ‘bless' really means to add weight or value to someone," says John Trent, founder of StrongFamilies.com and author of HeartShift. "When you bless someone, you add to their life. And when you curse someone, you subtract from their life. In every dealing you have with someone, you're either subtracting or blessing. You can tip the scales one way or the other."
Devote half a day each month to a time of prayer and worship. If you can't remember the last time you had 30 minutes without being interrupted by the kids or the phone, start with an hour and work your way up. Ask your spouse to help out one Saturday by taking care of the kids.

Hebrews 12:1 says to "run with endurance the race that lies before us." That race involves trials, big and small. "The way to enjoy something is to work on endurance," Trent says. "When you persevere through a problem or issue, you enjoy what you've come through. Part of why people don't get enjoyment out of things is because there's no effort attached.”

Best-selling author and speaker Laurie Beth Jones says, "One of the most powerful questions for focusing is asking yourself: ‘What would I be doing with my time if I knew I had only six healthy months to live?' It can immediately cause you to reorganize your priorities.”

Do it outlandishly. Extravagantly. Ridiculously. It's how God likes it. "God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7). Then, watch His blessings roll in as He changes your heart.

  • be inspired

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