Thursday, 28 April 2016

Ways to Positively Influence Others.


No matter how brilliant or hard-working we are, we cannot succeed without the help and cooperation from others. Men are not islands scattered in a sea of separation, we are all connected in some way. In the 21st Century the world has shrunk significantly as we keep pace with the most remote parts of the world and we learn from other cultures with a click of a button. We have discovered we are not so different after all, language might be a barrier but we all have the same basic needs, the same can be said about the strangers we meet on the street or people we work with.
Regardless of where you work or your occupation, we all have something in common; we spend a large part of our lives in a job that some of us like and some of us don’t.
If you find yourself in a job you don’t like, by getting people on your side will make the journey more bearable, and you will even begin to enjoy going to work.
Here are my 10 Ways to Positively Influence Others in the Workplace:

Develop a Grateful Attitude
I have a ritual every morning before I go out the door; I look around my home and quietly say “thank you” for having a roof over my head, for the food we eat and having a family to love. By appreciating what I already have my purpose becomes clearer, to bring the bacon (or tofu if you are vegetarian) and feed the ones I love. During the day as the challenges arise, I think of my daily ritual and makes me happy, happiness is contagious.

Happiness is contagious
There are a million+1 reasons to be sad or angry in the world, however, there are ten billion+1 reasons to be happy, we were not put on this earth plane to be miserable, find a reason to rejoice, look at the window and see the blue sky, if it is raining be happy that more trees and vegetables will grow. Talk to the people who nurture you and smile at the ones who don’t. If you are alive and healthy you are doing well….

Smile even when you are down
Have you ever heard the expression “Fake it until you make it”? The same principle applies when things go wrong, smile and it will put you in a better mood. Even when the boss is harassing you, co-workers not going along with the program, the computer crashed wiping all your hard work, simply smile. By smiling we release endorphins (happy hormones) and smiling has a tendency to ease bodily tension, so flash those pearly whites, people around you will pick up on it and they will smile in return.

Always say Please and Thank You
Good manners are a passport to better relationships, and this is not just relegated to the workplace; even when you go out to restaurants, the movies, etc. people will go out of their way to assist you and make your experience more enjoyable when they are treated with courtesy and respect. Having good manners shows the world we care about others, you don’t have to go to Harvard to learn good manners; they can easily become a habit when we learn to treat others the way we want to be treated.

Stay away from gossip
Sometimes things happen in the work place that gives some people a reason to speak about others behind their back. Discussing events is inevitable however, these events are often distorted for entertainment purposes and objectivity is lost. Gossip de-moralizes the target person and if it is malicious can become bullying. What I suggest is simple, smile at the people involved in gossip and walk away avoiding engagement, do not be drawn by the negative energy, it will keep you centered and will not distort your opinion of the victim, they deserve our respect regardless.

Be kind to the Village Idiot
No matter how many different places I have worked at there is always a “Village Idiot”. These people might be eccentric, not articulate, weird or just different. When engaged in conversation by the V.I. be kind and listen to what he or she is saying, you will be surprised there is an unconventional wisdom to them, and by bothering to listen to them you will develop a good will. You never know when you might need their help.

Be diplomatic
People will say or do things that irritate us, and the key is to remain calm and objective. Having a short fuse or simply choosing anger as a first reaction will give these people more fuel to annoy you again and again; and you will lose credibility in front of your peers. There have been many times people have said hurtful or offensive things to me and by me not giving them an answer to respond to their poor rhetoric I have managed to stay in control of the situation and they have left me alone as they know I will not justify to their poor attitudes and I do it with a smile or with humor often turning the tables. If you must respond when confronted or teased do it in a soft and calm voice and be kind, no point on putting out a fire with gasoline.

Always do your best
Bosses and influential co-workers will respect you for doing the best you can when doing your job. I have seen many people who have been at odds in the past come together to celebrate when a milestone has been achieved due a great effort. People might not like you for whatever reason, but they will respect you for being dependable and a great worker. Being dedicated and focused is a quality that is cherished in the corporate world. By always doing your best gives you a positive sense of self and purpose; chances are it will bring in a pay rise or build a solid foundation for a future role.

Be honest
Honesty is the best policy, however, when honestly and diplomacy are combined they become traits of a great leader/communicator. When communicating concepts and ideas be factual, do not try to sound overly smart or use too much technical jargon. Do not embellish or exaggerate as people can see through the lies and will retain that in their minds forming opinions based on how the massage is conveyed not the message itself.

Be respectful of other cultures
If you live in a Western country chances are there are many people of different cultures and ethnicities. By getting to know other people’s traditions, foods and beliefs we develop a respect and appreciation for who they are. Every culture has something positive we can learn from and it is our moral duty to embrace then and respect them. Do not join racist conversations in the staff room or around the water cooler, you are inviting the same treatment from others and it does not help you to positively influence others, even the very people you are agreeing with will lose some respect for you. There are good people and bad people in every nationality, focus on what is good and decent in everyone; it will become a beacon attracting cooperation across the board.
We are going to spend eight hours a day, five days a week, 48 to 50 weeks a year with our colleagues, might as well make it enjoyable and fruitful

  • Be Inspired.

Wednesday, 27 April 2016

Signs to know you are doing well in life

Let’s face it, sometimes life feels like it’s falling apart at the seams.  Perhaps you’ve lost your job, or your marriage just ended, or you failed to pass an exam and now you are simply feeling helpless and defeated. Winston Churchill once said: “Success consists of going from failure to failure without loosing enthusiasm.” Today I want to remind you why, even though you may be feeling a bit like a failure, you are most definitely not.  Here are signs that show you are doing well in life even though you don’t think so!

1. You’ve lived and learned
No one said life was easy and while the bumps on the road may hurt, the ride is definitely worth it.  Think back to your failures and defeats. You must know they were all for a reason and part of a grander plan.  Each difficulty has led you to where you are at today, each trial has molded you into the magnificent, resilient, person that you are. Continue to move forward in faith, hope and love, knowing that each experience has taught you what you need to become who you were born to be.

2. You strive to be better
The fact you are feeling a bit down because you haven’t achieved what you want to achieve shows you are trying. In the grand scheme of things, you always strive to be better and for as long as you continue to do that, happiness, success and love will come – just don’t give up. Einstein once said: “It’s not that I am so smart, it’s that I stay with problems longer.” Hang in there and never stop striving to be all you can be!

3. You have a job that makes you think
Whichever way you look at this one, it is still a win-win situation for you. If you have a job: kudos! Keep at it and know that you are richly blessed.  If you recently lost your job, don’t fret! You’ve gotten a job before, you can get one all over again. Perhaps this is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for to do something you truly love to do. Keep searching, keep hoping, and know that you can accomplish the seemingly impossible if you work hard and believe you can.

4. Knowledge is at your fingertips
In this day and age, you can learn anything and everything you want. Knowledge is truly at your fingertips! Since knowledge is power, seize that power and let it assist you in the pursuit of your dreams. Take advantage of all the “learning” opportunities that come your way.

5. You have food to eat
Sometimes a bit more than you should! Food is such an overlooked blessing, yet if you miss it for a few hours you start feeling the necessity of it. Take the time to enjoy your next meal, whatever that is, savor each bite and remind yourself that happiness is found in enjoying the simple things of life, such as eating a piece of pie.

6. You have the power to choose
Aristotle once said: “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.”  Need I say more? Claim your power to choose.

7. You’ve experienced love butterflies or something like it
Ahh! To be in love…to feel your whole body literally react to that moment when you simply steal a glance from the one you are infatuated with. Experiencing such a natural, basic and simple, yet passionate moment will give you memories that will last a life time. You are beyond blessed to have experienced such a sublime moment!

8.  People can count on you
The only people we can count on are the people we can trust to deliver. With time your responsibility increases and its a good sign of progress. Remember that “the more problem solved, the more we acquire success."

9. You have a dream
Whatever your dream is, it’s yours. You have the ability to embrace it and create it. Don’t give up on dreaming or on your dreams. They are what life’s best things are made up of.

10. Your happiness is real
You have the power to choose happiness for your life in everything you do and in every circumstance.  Your happiness is defined by whether or not you are able to discern and seize an opportunity to feel happy. It may be something as simple as enjoying the laughter of a child.

11. You have the ability to forgive
Can you imagine what this world would look like without forgiveness? Never mind the world, just your life! Imagine how bogged down, bitter and unhappy you would be if you did not have the ability to forgive other’s mistakes as well as your own. It would make it nearly impossible to live and most definitely a nightmare to move on with life when difficulties arose. You have the unique gift of forgiving and moving on.

12. You believe in something greater than yourself
For all the times you were so caught up in your own little world and drowning in a kiddie pool version of life’s problems, you’ve had the ability to step back and realize that you have something greater to live for than yourself.  Whether it is God, your family or friends, you can believe that your purpose is to achieve something that will be for the greater good or to simply bring honor to your God.

13. You have the opportunity to build global friendships

In today’s day and age, your best friend can literally be five thousand miles away yet you can still experience the beauty of that friendship. You have the unique capacity to be acquaintances with one person in almost every country of the world, something no other generation before the 1900’s was easily able to do. As far as I am concerned, your global ability to make friends is definitely a sign you are doing well in life, even if you don’t think so.

- Be Inspired

Tuesday, 26 April 2016

 Ways To Make Your Child Smarter

Scientists claim we are now far smarter than our grandparents! Studies from across the globe have shown there to be a year on year improvement in children’s development. Great news! But how can we ensure our children are getting smarter?

1. Enroll Them In A Sport
We all know an active lifestyle is good for our health, but did you know that after exercise people pick up new words and vocabulary 20% faster Perfect in your little ones early years, as they learn to pronounce new words, construct sentences and communicate with both peers and adults.

2. Involve Them In Your Hobby
Be it baking, knitting, or music. Active learning is vitally important to development. “A huge amount of five-year-olds do not have the skills they need to start learning, such as being able to hold a pencil” 
With active learning children can quickly and easily pick up skills that will set them up for early education, such as following instructions and co-ordination, including improved hand-eye coordination.

3. Follow Their Lead
When your child shows an interest in something, help them follow their passion. Children respond well to encouragement, and are far more likely to stick at something, learning more and more about their area of interest over time. Reports and studies into IQ over time have suggested that the demands of society are linked to our improved IQ. After all, the amount of information readily available to our youngsters in today’s society must be allowing children to progress further, easier.

4. Let Them Sleep
The benefits of sleep for brain development are endless. Sleeping aids learning, and even naps have been shown to have substantial benefits, such as the ability to retain information. In both children and adults getting a good amount of sleep is as important as diet and exercise. It can improve attention span no end – vitally important ahead of a day at school!

5. Praise Them For Not Giving Up
Even if it means watching them do the same thing for the 100th time! It is said that the secret to success is not giving up. Not all of us are naturally gifted with book-smarts, but by sticking at something and being persistent, we are much more likely to achieve long-term goals.Teach your little one to learn for his/her mistakes, and to pick themselves up and try again, and your kid will be as smart, if not smarter, than the rest of the class in no time!

6. If They’re Happy, They’re Ready To Learn
And you can start by being a happy parent. Easier said than done, right? When the washing is mounting and you have a to do list longer than your arm, it is easy to feel stressed. But by taking a moment to push those thoughts aside and be a cheerful parent, you can spend quality time, happy time, with your child and know that this is having a positive impact on theirlearning.When a child is happy they are much more engaged and interested in their learning. Social-emotional factors are continually being study by scientists, and many reports have concluded that happy children are more willing to learn, more curious and in turn, are smarter.

7. Read With Them, Not To Them
By simply pointing as you read your child is absorbing new written and spoken word more effectively. This goes back to active learning, by engaging in the story, pointing to pictures and talking with your little one as you read a book, you can really improve the whole experience. As you bring the book to life you will enhance your child’s understanding. Make time for just 10 minutes of reading a day, and have a variety of books and stories. (Top tip: save money and space on your shelves by visiting a library!)

8. Take Them For Music Lessons
Okay, so you may not want your child to aspire to be a rock star (or maybe you do), but music lessons are shown to improve IQ, as well as offsetting the effects of aging: win-win! Many studies are showing positive links between music and mental well-being, so grab their interest early, and sit smug knowing you have set your child up for a healthy, happy life.

  • Be Inspired.

Things Successful People Never Do Again

We all make mistakes but the people who thrive from their mistakes are the successful ones.

 Dr. Henry Cloud has discovered certain “awakenings” that people have—in life and in business—that once they have them, they never go back to the old way of doing things. And when that happens, they are never the same. In short, they got it.

“Years ago, a bad business decision of mine led to an interesting discussion with my mentor,” Dr. Cloud says. “I had learned a valuable lesson the hard way, and he reassured me: ‘The good thing is once you learn that lesson, you never go back. You never do it again.’
“I wondered, what are the key awakenings that successful people go through that forever change how they do things, which propel them to succeed in business, relationships, and life? I began to study these awakenings, researching them over the years.”
Although life and business have many lessons to teach us.Successful people never again…

1. Return to what hasn’t worked.
Whether a job, or a broken relationship that was ended for a good reason, we should never go back to the same thing, expecting different results, without something being different.

2. Do anything that requires them to be someone they are not.
In everything we do, we have to ask ourselves, “Why am I doing this? Am I suited for it? Does it fit me? Is it sustainable?” If the answer is no to any of these questions, you better have a very good reason to proceed.

3. Try to change another person.
When you realize that you cannot force someone into doing something, you give him or her freedom and allow them to experience the consequences. In doing so, you find your own freedom as well.

4. Believe they can please everyone.
Once you get that it truly is impossible to please everyone, you begin to live purposefully, trying to please the right people.

5. Choose short-term comfort over long-term benefit.
Once successful people know they want something that requires a painful, time-limited step, they do not mind the painful step because it gets them to a long-term benefit. Living out this principle is one of the most fundamental differences between successful and unsuccessful people, both personally and professionally.

6. Trust someone or something that appears flawless.
It’s natural for us to be drawn to things and people that appear "incredible." We love excellence and should always be looking for it. We should pursue people who are great at what they do, employees who are high performers, dates who are exceptional people, friends who have stellar character, and companies that excel. But when someone or something looks too good to be true, he, she, or it is. The world is imperfect. Period. No one and no thing is without flaw, and if they appear that way, hit pause.

7. Take their eyes off the big picture.
We function better emotionally and perform better in our lives when we can see the big picture. For successful people, no one event is ever the whole story. Winners remember that – each and every day.

8. Neglect to do due diligence.
No matter how good something looks on the outside, it is only by taking a deeper, diligent, and honest look that we will find out what we truly need to know: the reality that we owe ourselves.

9. Fail to ask why they are where they find themselves.
One of the biggest differences between successful people and others is that in love and in life, in relationships and in business, successful people always ask themselves, what part am I playing in this situation? Said another way, they do not see themselves only as victims, even when they are.

10. Forget that their inner life determines their outer success.
The good life sometimes has little to do with outside circumstances. We are happy and fulfilled mostly by who we are on the inside. Research validates that. And our internal lives largely contribute to producing many of our external circumstances.
And, the converse is true: people who are still trying to find success in various areas of life can almost always point to one or more of these patterns as a reason they are repeating the same mistakes.
Everyone makes mistakes…even the most successful people out there. But, what achievers do better than others is recognize the patterns that are causing those mistakes and never repeat them again. In short, they learn from pain—their own and the pain of others.
A good thing to remember is this: pain is unavoidable, but repeating the same pain twice, when we could choose to learn and do something different, is certainly avoidable. I like to say, “we don’t need new ways to fail….the old ones are working just fine!” Our task, in business and in life, is to observe what they are, and never go back to doing them again.

  • Be Inspired.

Monday, 25 April 2016

RALP LAUREN (Success Story)

Ralph Lauren, popularly known as 'Polo' is one of the leading cloth brand in the world. We are going to be looking at how he was able to break the spine and made his way to the top. Be Inspired as you read.
In the 1957 DeWitt Clinton High School yearbook, Ralph Lauren wrote "millionaire" as one of his life goals.
Today, he has an estimated net worth of &7 billion, according to Forbes, after netting billions with his iconic brand Polo Ralph Lauren.
Long before he became a fashion icon, he was Ralph Lipschitz, the youngest son of Jewish immigrant parents living in the Bronx. 
Growing up, he learned to escape his family's poverty by going to the movies and immersing himself in the fictional plot lines. 
"He would literally fall into the fantasies of the movies of that era," Michael Gross, author of “ Genuine Authentic: The Real Life of Ralph Lauren” told Bloomberg. "He truly did project himself into the scenes in which men like Gary Cooper and Cary Grant were playing. He sees the characters that populate his dreams and visions, and that vision — that ability to step into a fantasy world — Ralph brought to the fashion business."
He further detached from his humble origins in his late teens when he chose to change his name from Lipschitz to Lauren after enduring years of teasing and bullying. 
Later, after a short stint in the army, Lauren moved back to New York City and started working as a clerk at Brooks Brothers.
Then a transformative experience — his first polo match — helped to shape his perspective and activate his entrepreneurial spirit. "We were exposed to fabulous things,” recalled Warren Helstein, the friend that took him to the polo match. "The silver, the leather, the horses, the tall slinky blondes with the big hats, and the high society that we really weren't knowledgeable of."
The event inspired him to start developing a high-class, elegant brand, which would eventually become Polo Ralph Lauren. 
Having only a high school diploma and a few business classes under his belt, the decision to start his own company was the first of many risks Lauren would take in his legendary career.
The next was designing wide, colorful neckties at a time when narrow and plain was the norm.
The radical approach won over Bloomingdale's — and loads of customers. He sold $500,000 worth of ties in one year.
Despite such quick success, Lauren relentlessly expanded his company. "Ralph doesn't sit on his laurels for one minute," Lauren's protégé John Varvatos told Bloomberg. "You can enjoy the moment, but you have to keep things going — and you can't be a one-trick pony." 
When it came to new design ideas, Lauren kept it simple. He envisioned clothing that he would want to wear, clothing fit for a movie star.
"What you thought Cary Grant was wearing, you could not walk into a store and buy,” he told Charlie Rose in 1993. "The things that I made, you could not buy. You could not find them anywhere.”

Lauren took the company public in 1997 — a decision he grappled with, unsure if he wanted shareholders and a board in the picture — but still controls 81.5% of the voting power.
The wide-eyed kid who dreamed of becoming a millionaire now, at age 75, enjoys the spoils of his success, with homes in Jamaica, Long Island, Bedford, and Manhattan, as well as a 17,000-acre ranch in Colorado.

  • Be Inspired.

Friday, 22 April 2016

Rich People's Habits

Intelligence, talent and charm are great, but more often than not these aren’t what separate the wealthiest among us from the poorest.
Instead, the differences are in our daily habits. Do you realize that these subconscious, second-nature activities make up 40 percent of our waking hours? That means that two out of every five minutes, all day and every day, we operate on autopilot. It’s true: Habits are neural pathways stored in the basal ganglia, a golf ball-size mass of tissue right in the center of our brains, in the limbic system.
This neural fast lane is meant to save the brain energy: When a habit is formed and stored in this region, the parts of the brain involved in deeper decision-making cease to fully participate in the activity. However, we all know there are good habits and bad habits.
I spent years studying the difference between the habits of our country’s rich and poor, questioning hundreds of individuals. On the rich side, these were people with annual gross income north of $160,000 and net liquid assets of $3.2 million or more. I defined the lesser-off as those with gross income of $35,000 or less and no more than $5,000 in liquid assets. When I was done, I analyzed the results of my research and boiled down the responses to create a picture of what allows the wealthy to prosper where others do not. My ensuing book became a sort of instruction manual for how to become wealthy.

The gulf between Rich Habits and Poverty Habits is staggering. If you’re well off already, chances are you already adhere to most of these Rich Habits. Integrating the ones you’ve neglected will push you further. But be assured: If you’re doing fine now without minding these principles, it’ll catch up to you.
Some of the differences between rich and poor are obvious, while others are a little more surprising. Here are the most important Rich Habits you can take up to reach and maintain your wealth potential.

1. Live within your means.
Wealthy people avoid overspending by paying their future selves first. They save 20 percent of their net income and live on the remaining 80 percent.
Among those who are struggling financially, almost all are living above their means. They spend more than they earn, and their debt is overwhelming them. If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to make a habit of saving and budget what you spend budgeting what you spend. Here are some sensible ways to budget your monthly net pay:
  • Budgeting what you spend Spend no more than 25 percent on housing, no matter if you own or rent.
  • Spend no more than 15 percent on food.
  • Limit entertainment—bars, movies, miniature golf, whatever—to no more than 10  percent of your spending. Vacations should account for no more than 5 percent of your annual net pay.
  • Spend no more than 5 percent on auto loans, and never lease. Ninety-four percent of the wealthy buy instead of leasing. These folks keep their cars until the wheels fall off, taking great care along the way so that they save money in the long run.
  • Stay away from accumulating credit card debt. If you are doing this, it’s a clear sign that you need to cut back somewhere.
  • Think of savings and investments as two completely different things. You should never lose money on your savings. Try to stash six months of living expenses in an emergency fund in case you lose your job or your business goes belly-up.
  • Contribute as much as you can afford to a retirement plan . If you work for a company that matches your contributions up to a certain percentage, great. Always take that free money when you can get it.

2. Don’t gamble.
Talk about a sucker bet: Every week, 77 percent of those who struggle financially play the lottery. Hardly anyone who is wealthy plays the numbers. Wealthy people do not rely on random good luck for their wealth. They create their own good luck. If you still want to bet after knowing the risk, use money from your entertainment budget.

3. Read every day.
Reading information that will increase your knowledge about your business or career will make you more valuable to colleagues, customers or clients. Among wealthy people, 88 percent read 30 minutes or more every day. Just as important, they make good use of their reading time:
  • 63 percent listen to audiobooks during their commute.
  • 79 percent read educational career-related material.
  • 55 percent read for personal development.
  • 58 percent read biographies of successful people.
  • 94 percent read current events.
  • 51 percent read about history.
  • 11 percent—only 11 percent—read purely for entertainment purposes.
The reason successful people read is to improve themselves. This separates them from the competition. By increasing their knowledge, they are able to see more opportunities, which translate into more money. Comparatively speaking, only one in 50 of those struggling financially engages in this daily self-improvement reading, and as a result the poor don’t grow professionally and are among the first to be fired or downsized.

4. Forget the boob tube and spend less time surfing the Internet.
How much of your valuable time do you lose parked in front of a screen? Two-thirds of wealthy people watch less than an hour of TV a day and almost that many—63  percent—spend less than an hour a day on the Internet unless it is job-related.
Instead, these successful people use their free time engaged in personal development, networking, volunteering, working side jobs or side businesses, or pursuing some goal that will lead to rewards down the road. But 77 percent of those struggling financially spend an hour or more a day watching TV, and 74 percent spend an hour or more a day using the Internet recreationally.

5. Control your emotions.
Not every thought needs to come out of your mouth. Not every emotion needs to be expressed. When you say whatever is on your mind, you risk hurting others. Loose lips are a habit for 69 percent of those who struggle financially. Conversely, 94 percent of wealthy people filter their emotions. They understand that letting emotions control them can destroy relationships at work and at home. Wait to say what’s on your mind until you’re calm and have had time to look at the situation objectively.
Fear is perhaps the most important negative emotion to control. Any change, even positive changes such as marriage or a promotion, can prompt feelings of fear. Wealthy people have conditioned their minds to overcome these thoughts, while those who struggle financially give in to fear and allow it to hold them back.
Whether you fear change, making mistakes, taking risks or simply failure, conquering these emotions is about leaning in just a little until you build up confidence.It’s amazing how much confidence help

6. Network and volunteer regularly.
You’ll build valuable relationships that can result in more customers or clients, or help you land a better job if you spend time pressing the flesh and giving back in your community. Almost three-quarters of wealthy people network and volunteer a minimum of five hours a month. Among those struggling financially, only one in 10 does this.
One perk of volunteering is the company you’ll keep. Very often the boards and committees of nonprofits are made up of wealthy, successful people. Developing personal relationships with these folks will often result in future business relationships.

7. Go above and beyond in work and business.
Unsuccessful people have “it’s not in my job description” syndrome. Consequently, they are never given more responsibility, and their wages grow very little from year to year—if they keep their jobs at all. Wealthy individuals, on the other hand, make themselves invaluable to their employers or customers, writing articles related to their industry, speaking at industry events and networking. Successful people work hard to achieve the mutual goals of their employers or their businesses.

8. Set goals, not wishes.
You cannot control the outcome of a wish, but you can control the outcome of a goal.
Every year, 70 percent of the wealthy pursue at least one major goal.Only 3 percent of those struggling to make ends meet do this.
9. Avoid procrastination.
Successful people understand that procrastination impairs quality; creates dissatisfied employers, customers or clients; and damages other nonbusiness relationships. Here are five strategies that will help you avoid procrastination:
  •  Create daily “to-do list” list. These are your daily goals. You want to complete 70 percent or more of your “to-do” items every day.
  •  Have a “daily five.” These activities represent the crucial things that will help you get closer to realizing some major purpose or goal.
  •  Set and communicate artificial deadlines. There’s nothing wrong with finishing early.
  •  Have accountability partners. These are people you team with to pursue a big goal. Communicate with them at least every week, and make sure they hold your feet to the fire.
  • Say a “do it now” affirmation. This is a self-nagging technique. Repeat the words “do it now” over and over again until you begin a task or project.

10. Talk less and listen more.
A 5-to-1 ratio is about right: You should listen to others five minutes for every one minute that you speak. Wealthy people are good communicators because they are good listeners. They understand that you can learn and educate yourself only by listening to what other people have to say. The more you learn about your relationships, the more you can help them.

11. Avoid toxic people.
We are only as successful as the people we spend the most time with. Of wealthy, successful people, 86 percent associate with other successful people. But 96 percent of those struggling financially stick with others struggling financially.
If you want to end your financial struggles, you need to evaluate each of your relationships and determine if they are a Rich Relationship (with someone who can help you up) or a Poverty Relationship (with someone holding you back). Start spending more and more time on your Rich Relationships and less on your Poverty Relationships. Rich Relationships can help you find a better job, refer new business to you or open doors of opportunity.

12. Don’t give up.
Those who are successful in life have three things in common: focus, persistence and patience. They simply do not quit chasing their big goals. Those who struggle financially stop short.

13. Set aside the self-limiting beliefs holding you back.
If you’re hurting financially, you’ve probably told yourself some of these untruths before: Poor people can’t become rich. Rich people have good luck and poor people have bad luck. I’m not smart. I can’t do anything right. I fail at everything I try.
Each one of these self-limiting beliefs alters your behavior in a negative way. Almost four out of five wealthy people attribute their success in life to their beliefs. Change your negative beliefs into positive affirmations by reading lessons from the greats of personal development.

14. Get a mentor.
Among the wealthy, 93 percent who had a mentor attributed their success to that person. Mentors regularly and actively participate in your growth by teaching you what to do and what not to do. Finding such a teacher is one of the best and least painful ways to become rich.
If you know your goals, find someone who has already achieved them. You’ll be amazed by how many people want to lend a helping hand.

15. Eliminate “bad luck” from your vocabulary.
Those struggling financially in life have a way of creating bad luck for themselves. It’s a byproduct of their habits. Poverty Habits, repeated over and over are like snowflakes on a mountainside. In time, these snowflakes build up until the inevitable avalanche—a preventable medical problem, a lost job, a failed marriage, a broken business relationship or a bankruptcy.
Conversely, successful people create their own unique type of good luck. Their positive habits lead to opportunities such as promotions, bonuses, new business and good health.

16. Know your main purpose.
It’s the last Rich Habit, but it might be the most important. Those people who pursue a dream or a main purpose in life are by far the wealthiest and happiest among us. Because they love what they do for a living, they are happy to devote more hours each day driving toward their purpose.
Odds are, if you are not making sufficient income at your job, it is because you are doing something you do not particularly like. When you can earn a sufficient income doing something you enjoy, you have found your main purpose.
Believe it or not, finding this purpose is easy. Here’s the process:
1. Make a list of everything you can remember that made you happy.
2. Highlight those items on your list that involve a skill, and identify that skill.
3. Rank the top 10 highlighted items in the order of joy they bring to you. Whatever makes you happiest of all gets 10 big points.
4. Now rank the top 10 highlighted items in terms of their income potential. The most lucrative skill of all is worth 10 points.
5. Total the two ranked columns. The highest score represents a potential main purpose in your life. Presto!
As you can see, the differences between rich and poor are simple—sometimes intuitive—but not insignificant. Aim to take up all 16 of these habits, and you’re almost guaranteed to become better off.

  • Be Inspired.

Thursday, 21 April 2016


Organisation can make up for all kinds of weaknesses in other aspects of life. Try a few of the below for a week or two   and see what difference it will make to your life. 

1. Communicate, communicate, communicate – If ever in doubt, communicate your intentions, achievements and perceptions to keep others informed and to avoid misunderstandings. For example, always reply to e-mails so that the sender knows you’ve received them and are taking necessary action. If you are late to a meeting, phone or text the person you are scheduled to meet to let them know. 

2. Battle procrastination – Spend five minutes trying to tackle the job you are reticent to undertake. Typically, you will find you get involved in the job and don’t want to stop until you are finished. 

3. Keep a diary - of appointments, necessary actions, and achievements. At the least, start everyday by formulating a ‘To Do’ list. This will keep you on top of necessary actions, and will help you plan your day and use it as effectively as possible. 

4. Be prepared – Always go to a meeting having read the document to be discussed and make hand written (or even better typed) notes to take with you. This will impress your colleagues and vastly improve your contribution to the meeting. 

5. Keep important documents to hand -Ensure you get copies of all important documents of projects you are working on. Who knows when you’ll need them. When working on a computer, always create duplicate copies of your files, with the same files on both a hard drive and a flash drive.

 6. Organise your documents – Even if it’s just in piles relating to topics (files are better). This will make it easier to access the documents when you want them and keep track of what you have. And don’t stop there. When working on a report, different drafts should be titled. Organise your desk!! 

7. Always take a pen and paper (or even better notepad or diary) with you - 
Whenever you have an idea, write it down. Some of our best ideas are lost because we don’t write them down. 

8. Multitask – Always carry additional work with you when going to meetings or when travelling. There will be many occasions where you may be waiting at a location external to your office. Having something to read or analyse will make that time useful, and will mean less work when you get back to the office. 

9. Take a few moments everyday to reflect - On the challenges and successes of the past few days. That is, aside from prayer, think through why something is troubling you and what potential solutions are. Similarly, why are successes successful? How can you utilise these lessons in other parts of your work and life? 

10. Read and bring yourself up - The best teacher is the student himself/herself. Find out where you can access learning resources and seize the opportunity


Aliko Dangote (SUCCESS STORY).

 is a self-made business tycoon with a net worth of $20.1 billion. According to Forbes, he is the 43rd wealthiest person in the world and the wealthiest person in Africa. He owns the Dangote Group that has interest commodities and operations in several countries.

Dangote was born on 10th April 1957 in Kano, Nigeria to a rich Muslim family. He was interested in business even as a child. He is quoted to have said that he used to buy cartons of candies and sell them for profit. He graduated from the Al-Azhar University in Cairo, Egypt, after which he went back to Nigeria to work with his uncle who later on gave him the loan he needed to start a business.
Aliko started the Dangote Group in 1977 and today it has become a multi-million naira business with operations in several countries such as Ghana, Togo, Benin and Nigeria. His business includes cement manufacturing, food processing and freight. The group also controls the sugar market in Nigeria; it is the biggest supplier of sugar to the soft drink companies, confectioners and the breweries. It is not only a trading company but the biggest industrial group of Nigeria with the Dangote Cement, Dangote Flour, Dangote Sugar Refinery and many more. Dangote possesses extraordinary entrepreneurial skills; he can spot an opportunity far beyond the naked eye. In July 2012 he approached the Nigerian Ports Authority and gave them the idea of leasing an abandoned land near the Apapa Port which they approved. After some time he constructed his flour company there. Similarly in the 1990s he projected his idea of letting his transport company to manage their staff buses to the Bank of Nigeria which was also accepted by them.

Today his Dangote Group dominates the sugar market with his sugar refinery being the major supplier to 70% of the market. It also imports fish, rice, pasta, fertilizer and cement on a large scale. It exports cocoa, cashew nuts, sesame seeds, ginger and cotton to many countries. Dangote Group’s major investments include banking, textiles, real estate, gas and oil. With more than 11000 employees it is one of the biggest conglomerates in West Africa. Currently Dangote is looking into telecommunications; his present work includes building of fourteen thousand kilometers of optic cables in Nigeria. For all this work he was honored in 2009 as the largest provider of employment in the whole of Nigerian construction industry. In 2011 the president of Nigeria, Goodluck Jonathan awarded Dangote with Nigeria’s second highest honor the ‘Grand Commander of the Order of the Niger’.

Despite all this wealth and outstanding achievements as a businessman, Dangote remains as simple, hardworking, humble and cool headed as he was in the very beginning. He is the owner of the largest industrial business in Nigeria and the whole of West Africa providing bread and butter for thousands of families with his employment opportunities. He is the richest African in the world and an inspiration for the young minds who want to succeed as entrepreneurs.
- Be Inspired

Tuesday, 19 April 2016


Resilience is the ability to return to the original form after being bent, stretched or compressed. It’s the ability to readily recover from illness, depression or adversity. How would you ever handle it if you lost everything you had today? What would your next step be? How long would you be depressed and upset and angry? What would it take for you to pull yourself up and start all over again? How resilient are you? Could you handle it? Could you learn from all of your disappointments and start all over again? What would it take?

First, it would take a lot of self-discipline. It would take a lot of positive self-talk to muster up the energy to begin again. It would take a lot of concentration to block out the noise and the clutter of all the negative voices trying to get through, as well as the negative voices of others around you. It would take a lot of discipline to balance the fear and anxiety with the knowing that, if you did it once, you can do it all over again.
Whether your losses had anything to do with you or not, your future success has everything to do with you. It would take a lot of self-reliance to avoid blame. What's happened has happened. You would need to get on with your life and begin again. If you lost everything tomorrow and were gathering the courage to try again, it would take a lot of self-appreciation. You need to know in your heart and mind that you have the skills, the talent and the strength to do it one more time.
Cultivating a resilient character turns failure into success. A resilient person won't give up. A resilient person will, in spite of all obstacles and setbacks, keep doing it until.
In The Resilient Self, authors Steven and Sybil Wolin list seven key characteristics that compose resilience:

1. Resilience requires insight.
You need to develop the ability to ask yourself tough questions and answer honestly. If you had something to do with your loss, be honest and responsible for it.

2. Resilience is independent.
As a resilient person, you can count on yourself to bounce back into life.

3. Although resilience is independent, it's also tied to others.
The more people you are responsible for, the greater your motivation to begin again—the stronger the reason, the stronger the action.

4. Resilience calls for initiative. 
You need to develop the ability to take charge of the situation, to take charge of the problem. You need to stand up and do whatever is necessary to get back on course.

5.  Resilience has an element of creativity. 
With resilience, you are able to look at a situation and creatively determine the best way out. You are enterprising in your approach toward starting over.

6.  A resilient person has humor. 
You may cry until you start laughing, but a sense of humour is so important when turning your life around. You've got to take your goals seriously, and you've got to take yourself seriously. But at times, you've also got to be able to laugh at yourself and your situation.

7.  A resilient person has a strong sense of morality. 
Whatever you do to get back on your feet, make sure it's moral. Make sure that your upcoming success is at the service, and not at the expense of, others. Success, if it is yours to keep, must be at the service of others.
The more obstacles you face and overcome, the more times you falter and get back on track, the more difficulties you struggle with and conquer, the more resiliency you will naturally develop. If you are resilient, there is nothing that can hold you back.

  • Be Inspired.


In today's world, it's more common than ever for people to make fast career changes. You may not be looking to make any changes today, but at some point, you’re going to want to start a new venture. Whether you’re thinking about resigning or planning to sell your business, taking the first steps is the hardest part of your exit strategy.

So, before making any rash decisions, you should have a plan in place for transitioning into a new role. Here are three things you can do before leaving a job.

1. Evaluate the risk and opportunities.
There are a variety of reasons for leaving a job or selling a business. You might have other opportunities waiting on the horizon that you're eager to pursue. Or possibly you're tired of your current role. Maybe you're looking for a change of pace.
As you begin to consider your options, make sure to evaluate both the risks and opportunities. Don't forget that work is work, no matter what role you're looking to move into. You will have both good days and bad days at your new job.
On the risk side of things, have you been saving up? Do you have a good amount of money stored away for a rainy day? A transition into a new role can be difficult and even costly. And in a world with no guarantees, that job you thought you had lined up may not pan out by the time you're ready to pursue it. If you're dependent on your employment income, then make sure you have a comfortable nest egg before putting in your notice.
As for opportunity, what exactly are you planning on doing next? Do you have a clear idea? Do you have a new job lined up, and do you have a backup plan in case it doesn't work out? Will you be getting an increase in salary at your new position? Will your new job be more enjoyable and fulfilling than your last? Do you have a long-term plan for your career progression? Will you be learning new skills that will help you expand your opportunities?
Don't get too caught up in the excitement of moving into a new position, as it can blind you to the potential risks and opportunities that exist.

2. Tie up loose ends.
Many people tend to "check out" before they've even handed in their two weeks' notice.
As hard as it may be, try to stay engaged in your work as you are wrapping up your term. Check in with a manager on a daily basis if you need some motivation. Also make a list of everything that needs to get done before you leave.
There is the possibility that your projects and tasks will be taken over by coworkers before you officially leave, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't take responsibility for what you've already started and agreed to do. If you have the opportunity, delegate smaller tasks so you can focus on your top priorities and see them to completion.
Keep a line of communication open with management and coworkers. There may be those who need to hear directly from you -- don't leave them in the dark about your decision to move on to new opportunities. Get in touch with clients if you need to, and share the news with coworkers or managers who need to be in the loop.
This should help you establish clarity around what you need to do before moving on. Your former employer will appreciate it if you leave your tasks in capable hands, instead of leaving a trail of incomplete assignments and appointments your co-workers need to chase down.
It's also best to leave on a good note. If you game-plan and communicate who is going to handle your tasks while your manager looks for your replacement, you’re likely to form a lasting, positive relationship with your former employer -- and you very well may need that for a good recommendation later on.

3. Clean, purge and organize.
Make an effort to leave your office, desk or working space in good shape before making your exit.
Start separating out your personal possessions -- family pictures, stationery, electronics -- into boxes. Don't forget about your personal files on your work computer. Back up whatever information you need: documents, music, pictures and so on -- and save it on an external hard drive or thumb drive. Don't touch sensitive company data or save it for personal purposes. Only keep contacts with whom you've personally built a relationship.
Get rid of old files or memos that no longer hold any relevance. Archive important documents that belong to the business. Pass on other relevant documents to your co-workers if they need them.
Throw away any trash and wipe away any dust and dirt. Discreetly remove T-shirts, mugs and other swag from your desk and put these items away.
There is the chance that you won't have much time to clean, purge and organize. Sometimes, when people quit their jobs (particularly sales positions), they are escorted out of the building in fairly short order. If you don't have much time, just prioritize what matters most to you so you can be on your way.
Even if your boss is away, he or she should be able to trust you to get your desk in order before you leave, so you can make a smooth exit. But "smooth" largely depends on the amount of trust you've built up with other people in the company while you were working with them.

Final thoughts
There may be other steps you need to take to make a smooth exit from your job. The exact nature of your work is a factor here, as is your relationship with coworkers, management and your boss.
Don't forget: It's best not to burn bridges unnecessarily. It is possible to leave a job in an honorable way. You can also give your employer feedback on any issues that may be at the root of your departure. Providing this information at an exit interview is often valuable in improving the company's operations, so long as it’s constructive and specific. After all, you never know when you might want to go back. 

  • Be Inspired.

Monday, 18 April 2016

Tips to Build a Business While Working a Day Job

Many people dream of leaving their nine-to-five jobs to start their own businesses. Many successful entrepreneurs had to keep their day jobs until they reached a point in their businesses when it was feasible to quit. This transition time can be stressful and difficult, especially when you don’t enjoy your job, but it doesn’t have to be.
While ambition is important, it is not always enough to move you forward. Maintaining your motivation and drive during your transition from employee to entrepreneur is crucial. It’s easy to veer off course and get discouraged during this transitional phase. Here are some actions you can start taking immediately while you’re still at your day job that will keep you on track and moving forward.

1. Get crystal clear on your reason for starting your business.
Connecting with your “Why" is the most important first step you can take. Maybe you are motivated by being your own boss, financial independence, time freedom, creative expression, being home with your kids or helping others. Whatever your reason, knowing what motivates and drives you is what will keep you focused and committed to your dream when times get difficult.

2. Commit yourself to your dream.
Having the desire for something to work vs. committing to it are vastly different. When you commit to your dream, you are making a binding obligation to see it through to success. It means you are “all in,” you find solutions when faced with obstacles and you don’t quit, no matter what. Make that pledge to yourself, and then tell the people in your life.

3. Create a personal vision for your business.
Think about what you want in your business a year from now and write it down. Be very specific and detailed. Describe in great detail in the present tense your ideal day, what activities you engage in, who your customers/clients are, how many customers/clients you have and what your monthly income is.
Read your vision aloud every morning and evening, focusing completely on the end result -- your vibrant, flourishing business. By keeping your focus on the result, you will be able to make the day-to-day choices to ignore any negative thoughts that may arise.

4. Join a mastermind group.
A mastermind group is a peer-to-peer mentoring group that meets regularly to support each other, brainstorm ideas and share advice and work through challenges together. A mastermind group can be excellent for helping you stay accountable and motivated.
There are mastermind groups that meet in person, online or on the phone. To find a mastermind group, Meetup is a great place to start. If you cannot find one to join, then create your own with people who are also starting a business.

5. Immerse yourself in learning.
Research and study anything you can find that is pertinent to your business. The Internet provides an abundance of valuable information on building a successful business. Take courses, hire a coach or find a mentor. Listen to podcasts or audiobooks during your morning commute. The more you learn and become an expert in your area, the more self-assured, motivated and successful you will be.

6. Stay positive about your day job.
Every day, acknowledge something you appreciate about your job. Perhaps you enjoy your co-workers or always having holidays off. Maybe it’s just the free coffee or your comfortable chair.
The point is to look for the good things. The more you focus on what is positive about your current situation, the more success you will bring to all situations, including your business. Negative thoughts drain your energy, making it far more difficult to move forward with your dream.

7. Set daily goals.
Take small, measurable action steps each day toward your business, understanding there will be times when it seems like you are making no progress at all. Much of the work, in the beginning, will be tedious day-to-day tasks. Realize it is all part of building your business. By taking steps each day, which includes doing the mundane, you will start seeing results. The more progress you make, the more confidence and determination you have to keep moving forward.
By taking these actions while still working your day job, you will stay focused, motivated and committed to making your dream a reality. It will also make the time spent at your job seem to go by faster.

-Be Inspired.

Sunday, 17 April 2016

Ways Millionaires Manages Their Money That Make Them Richer.

It’s no secret that millionaires have different habits, qualities, and ways of thinking than the average person. Those habits are most prevalent when it comes to the ways that they manage their money. They have a unique way of thinking that actually helps them earn even more money by making wise financial decisions like the following 15 ways that they manage their money:

1. They’re not impulsive.
How many times have you made an impulse decision while at the grocery store? Or how about when you are on Amazon? It’s common for most of people to make a few impulsive decisions when making purchases. Millionaires, however, have the ability to delay gratification and hold back on making impulsive decisions.
There was a famous study conducted by Dr. Walter Mischel at Stanford in the 1960s that backs up this claim. Dr. Mischel gave preschoolers the choice of eating one marshmallow whenever they wanted. The other option was to wait until the adult came back into the room. If they could stand to wait until the adult came back into the room, they would received two marshmallows. Dr. Mischel has continued to follow his subjects through the years, and he discovered that those children who could wait for the marshmallows in order to receive two marshmallows instead of only receiving one, “have a lower BMI, lower rates of addiction, a lower divorce rate and higher SAT scores.”

2. Know the difference between wants and needs.
Millionaires also know the difference between wants and needs. We all have moments when we would like a new house, pair of shoes, car, or office. But, are they necessary? Or, do you just want that new luxury car? Sure that car is powerful and would great in your driveway. But, it’s not a necessity. Instead of spending money on things that aren’t practical, millionaires put that money towards essential items that will continue to increase their wealth.
Maybe that’s why 61% of people who earn more than $250,000 per year purchase the same vehicles that we do.3. Focus on the long term.
“Long-term goals take a minimum of one to five years to accomplish. Long-term goals are excellent motivators. They enable you to look beyond the moment and put into perspective why you are spending your time today as you are.”
Your daily tasks should connect to your long-term goals, and if they do not, your goals need to be adjusted in some way. The adjustment may be altering your tasks in some way, or possibly cutting out or reducing non-essential tasks and adding some task that will benefit you in the future.

4. Have multiple sources of income.
After establishing some financial security, millionaires begin to look for other ways to bring in money. Why? Because they realize that their main source of income could suddenly dry-up. To avoid a possible loss of revenue, a millionaire will establish multiple sources of income  that generate cash flow as a backup plan.

5. Automate investments.
There are robo advisors and other ways to automate investments, such as deducting percentage of your paycheck and placing it into an e-cash retirement account, but millionaires also invest so frequently that it’s becomes a habit. They know how and when to take advantage of an opportunity, as well as how much to invest, seemingly without blinking an eye. But they have practiced this investment strategy often enough that they gain a definite knowledge about investment workings.

6. Follow a budget.
By following a budget, millionaires can see how much money is coming in and how much is going out. This allows them to create a spending plan so that they can afford the necessities and remove wasteful expenses. There has been at least one study that says many wealthy people do not have a budget, per se, but the very wealthy know, and keep track of where their money is being spent.

7. Are prepared for emergencies.
Millionaires have a rainy-day fund set aside. They realize that there may be time when they’ll have a crisis, like losing their job or an unexpected family death. Instead of borrowing money, they have the money saved up to support themselves until the crisis is over. Many disasters can be averted by being prepared with an emergency fund. I personally recommend that you have 12 months cash sitting in the bank so that if all shiz hit the fan, you're good.

8. Only invest what in what they understand.
Warren Buffett and the legendary stock investor Peter Lynch have offered the advice that you should “invest in what you know.” It’s a trick that millionaires have embraced because when they understand how a company generates income and profitability, they have a competitive edge. They’re aware of the risks and opportunities.

9. Keep track of expenses.
Do you know how much money you’re spending on your expenses? If you don’t, start tracking your daily, monthly, and yearly expenses - just like millionaires do. You’ll quickly realize that you’re wasting money on items that aren’t needed or can be purchased at a better rate.

10. Live below their means.
It’s no secret that wealthy individuals live either below or within their means. For example, Warren Buffett still lives in his Omaha, Nebraska home that he purchased in 1958 for just $31,500. Former Microsoft CEO Steve Ballmer was known to fly commercial. Even though they could have owned a mansion or private jet, they opted to save their money for necessities and not luxury items.

11. Willing to make sacrifices.
So what if you’re driving around in a 2000 Toyota Camry. You realize that eventually, like within the next two years, you’ll be able to purchase a new vehicle because you’ll have the means to do so. That’s how millionaires think when it comes to managing their money. They’ll make temporary sacrifices when it benefits the bigger goal. I personally was worth millions and driving around a 2006 salvage title Hyundai Sonata till a a year ago. Make sacrifices today to live better tomorrow.

12. They don’t get into debt.
Millionaires don’t allow themselves to get in debt. They don’t borrow any money and avoid using credit cards if they don’t have the money to pay the card off - unless it’s an investment to improve their business or start a new company. In other words, if they don’t have it, they’re not going to spend it. They do without - rather than spend what they don't have.
13. They get financial advice.
Millionaires know their strengths and weaknesses. Instead of spending the time and money to fix their weaknesses - they ask for help - especially when it comes to money management. Just because they built a social network or gadget, doesn’t mean that they know how to invest or save their money. They ask a financial advisor or accountant for help.

14. Educate themselves.
Formal education is not a prerequisite for millionaires. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, and Amancio Ortega all earned their fortunes without obtaining a college degree. Tai Lopez is well known for bragging about not having a formal education, yet he will be the first to tell you about self-education - Lopez reads approximately a book a day. Like most wealthy individuals, each of these have used their specialized knowledge and continue to learn how to become more successful through self-education.

15. Run the numbers before making a decision.
I’m not talking about doing mathematical equations that you did back in your trigonometry class. Just basic addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division before making any financial decisions. For example, if you have an older vehicle that needs some repairs, a millionaire would compare the costs of repairing the car to purchasing a new vehicle. Then, the decision will be based on whatever’s more cost-effective.

  • Be Inspired.

Friday, 15 April 2016

WARREN BUFFET (Success Story)

Net Worth $62B
Known as the ‘Miracle of Omaha’, Warren Buffet is the chairman and chief executive officer of Berkshire Hathaway. He is one of the wealthiest people of the world and a highly successful investor of the twentieth century. In 2008 Buffet was the ranked as the world’s richest person and third richest in 2011. Listed in Time magazine’s ‘most influential people of the world’, Buffet has made a mark for himself due to his exceptional entrepreneurial skills.

This American magnate and philanthropist, was born on 30th August 1930 in Omaha, Nebraska to a stockbroker turned congressman Howard Buffet. When children of his age were busy playing he was busy making money. He sold various items door-to-door and also worked at a grocery store owned by his grandfather. Even when he was in high school, he managed to make quite a lot of money by selling stamps, golf balls and delivering newspapers. In 1945, which was his sophomore year in high school, Buffet bought a pinball machine for 25 dollars and placed it at a barber shop. In a few months’ time he owned several other pinball machines. Buffet’s interest in stock exchange grew and he bought his first shares at the age of 11. Buffet graduated with a degree of Bachelor in Science from University of Nebraska and a Master of Science from University of Columbia. Along with that he also went to New York Institute of Finance.

By the time Warren was twenty years old (1950) he had a saving of almost ten thousand dollars. Buffet’s first official employment was at Buffet-Falk & Co. as an investment salesman from 1951 to 1954. In 1954 he took a job at Benjamin Graham’s partnership where his initial annual pay was 12, 000 dollars which means 105,000 2012 dollars! In the next two years Buffet’s personal savings increased to 174,000 dollars (1.2 million in 2009 dollars). That was when he founded Buffet Partnership Ltd. By 1957 he had three partnerships working which rose to 5 by the next year and till 1960 he was joined in seven operating partnerships. In 1962 Buffet was a millionaire due to his partnerships. He invested in a textile company, Berkshire Hathaway, and soon took control of it.
His salary in 1970 was fifty thousand dollars per annum. Buffet began to buy stock in the Washington Post Company in 1973 and soon became a member of its board. Buffet’s reputation as a businessman was so solid that if it was known that Buffet was to buy a stock, its price would shoot up by 10 percent. He finally bought Berkshire Hathaway in 1977. Buffet became a billionaire after he started selling the Class A shares of Berkshire Hathaway in 1990; the market closed at over 7000 dollars per share. In 2011 Buffet had purchased 64 million shares of IBM stock for 11 billion dollars. In May 2012 it was reported that Buffet has acquired Media General which is the newspaper owner of 63 newspapers in the US.

In April he was diagnosed with prostate cancer for which he was treated successfully. Buffet’s achievements have been acknowledged with several honors. He was awarded the Presidential Medal of Freedom by President Barack Obama. Buffet was also termed as the most influential global thinker in the 2010 report of Foreign Policy. According to Forbes his net worth is almost 62 billion dollars.

-Be Inspired