Thursday, 7 April 2016


To be honest, nobody likes to be ignore. Whether it’s in the offline or online world, getting ignored is a bad feeling. If no one is paying attention to you, you are definitely not getting something right.
Some people say criticism is worse than getting ignored, but it’s not. Criticism means:

a) They want to help you become better
b) They hate your guts and want to make sure you know it
Either way, they care enough about you that they take the time to communicate with you.
Here are some TIPS that can help you:

1. Do something unusual:
Draw a circle and put all your "stuff" in it. Your circle will look a lot like everyone else's: Everyone works, everyone has a family, everyone has homes and cars and clothes…
We like to think we're unique, but roughly speaking, we're all the same, and similar isn't memorable.
So occasionally do something different, something weird that worth applauding. Do it so good that people remember you anytime they set their eyes on it.
2. Don’t see. Do:
Anyone can share opinions about movies, TV, politics or something that is not going right. That's why opinions are quickly forgotten. What you say isn't interesting; what you do is interesting.
Spend your life doing instead of watching. Cool things will happen. Cool things are a lot more interesting and a lot more memorable.
That's especially true when you…

3. Let others brag for you:
People who brag are not remembered for what they've done; they're remembered for the fact they brag.
Do good things and other people will find out. The more you do, the more people remember.

4.  Stick to a particular style: 
Let people know you for a particular style, Brand your self in a particular way that people can’t forget. Be different; stand out in your own style. But in all of this, be positive.

 -Be Inspired

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